header image of a sailboat on water
Swipey- the wipe character Red caption bubble saying, America's #1 boat cleaning wipe

Your Comments

August 28, 2012 - Brad  (Seattle)  "THANKS for saving me".
I picked up a sample at Seattle Boat show this year.  Put it in my backpack and forgot about it.  Saturday, I joined some friends on a private plane for a trip.  At the end of the trip, I realized my belt had broken down and left a NASTY black streak on the nice leather seat of their Falcon Jet.  I felt SICK.  I remembered the wipe in mypack, cleaned it up perfect and left with a clean conscience.  I'll be ordering some for my boat now.  That made me a believer.  THANKS for saving me.  The plane belongs to my bosses dad...last thing I wanted was HIM made at me!
Jan 31, 2012  -  Sam & Cori  ( Seattle )    "Love your Wipes"
We bought 2 containers at the Seattle Boat Show.  WOW , do they ever work.!   I took them to work where we use walnut scoops that are coated with walnut oil.   I washed them in the dishwasher afterwards and they look brand new!
February 1, 2012  -  Larry  (Seattle)  "I should have read the label first"
I purchased your Dyna-Wipes for Boaters at the Boat Show.  They are great.  I was cleaning everything.   I also cleaned my stainless steel microwave.  The stainless steel looked brand new; but I failed to read about the clear plastics and used it on the outside of my microwave.  MY BAD!  It did fog it up a little, like the label said.  I still think your wipes are great!  Thanks for introducing me to a great product.

February 9, 2012 - Judy   ( Seattle ) "Thank you for your generous contribution to our event"
February 15, 2012 - Chris   ( Montana )   "Testimonial and Pictures"
At the very tail end of the Boat Show I bought two canisters to try on my scummy fenders.  I tried several well-known "fender cleaners" over the past couple of years.  They had no effect on the white scum oxidizing off old gel coat.  I had given up and resigned myself to crappy looking five-year old fenders.  The day after the Boat Show, I used Dyna-wipes for the first time and my fenders cleaned up great.  I am very pleased and will spread the word.  Attached are pictures for you to show others.
IMG 3011 2IMG 3009 2IMG 3010 2IMG 3012 2
February 16, 2012 -  Jack  "This stuff really cleaned my zodiac"
I learned about your product at the Seattle Boat Show.  I had a bad graphite type spot on my seats that I really didn't think it would clean, since I had tried everything.  I took it to the boat and tried it on the spot.  It did a little, but did not remove it completely.  I then thought about my nasty zodiac.   I couldn't believe it.  After using your wipes, it really looked like new.  I can really find a lot of uses for these wipes.  You've got a winner!
February 21, 2012  -  John and Joanie  ( Florida )   " Dyna-wipes come clean on epoxy garage floor!"
My wife and sister-in-law each bought 2 canisters of your Dyna-Wipes for Boaters.  We are most pleased to report that your product cleaned up 95% of the tire marks on our 3 year old epoxy garage floor.  She is convinced that it will get the last 5% with a little more work!   My wife had tried several other products but none of them came close to your wonderful Dyna-Wipes for Boaters!  Thanks for everything.
February 22, 2012 - Nancy  "I want to use these wipes EVERYWHERE!"
I had a sample of your Dyna-Wipes for Boaters and used it on some grease that my dog tracked onto my tan carpet.  I was amazed at how quicky the stain came up!  I can't wait to try it on everything else!  Thanks!
February 26, 2012  -  Chris  (New Jersey)  -  "I was very impressed!"
I stopped by your booth at the Miami Boat Show and purchased 2 canisters of your Dyna-Wipes for Boaters. I saw a brief demonstration.  Since returning home, I have tried out the wipes and I was very impressed.